美国医院协会提出了《注册bg真人娱乐厅》,期望遵守这些权利将有助于更有效地对患者进行护理,并使患者(他/她的医生)和医院组织更满意. Further, 协会提出这些权利,希望医院能代表病人支持这些权利, as an integral part of the healing process. 人们认识到,医患之间的个人关系对于提供适当的医疗服务至关重要. 传统的医患关系呈现了一个新的维度,当护理是在一个组织结构. 法律判例表明,医疗机构本身也对患者负有责任. 任何权利目录都不能保证患者有权期待的那种治疗. A hospital has many functions to perform, including the prevention and treatment of disease, 对卫生专业人员和患者的教育以及临床研究的开展. 所有这些活动都必须以病人和病人为首要考虑, above all, the recognition of his/her dignity as a human being. 成功地实现这一认识,就保证了成功地捍卫病人的权利. 正是鉴于这些因素,最新真人娱乐确认了这些权利.
如果患者缺乏决策能力,这些权利可以由指定的代理人或代理决策者代表患者行使, is legally incompetent, or is a minor.
Patient’s have the right:
- To receive considerate, respectful care from all members of the health care industry at all times, under any circumstance, regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, age, handicap, marital status, sexual preference, or sources of payment. There will be impartial access to treatment. This includes access to emergency health services when and where the need arises.
- To have Hillsdale Hospital support and protect the basic human, civil, constitutional rights and statutory rights of each patient. 病人在医院接受护理或治疗时可以不受胁迫地行使其权利, discrimination, or retaliation.
- 在他/她入院时,及时通知他/她的家庭成员或他/她选择的代表和他/她的医生.
- To having a surrogate (parent, legal guardian, 有医疗委托书的人)在病人没有能力行使病人的权利时行使病人的权利, without coercion, discrimination, or retaliation. This includes being informed of his/her health status, being involved in the care, planning and treatment, and being able to request or refuse treatment. 这不会被解释为要求提供医学上不必要或不适当的治疗或服务的机制.
- To be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity in all circumstances.
- 在护理或治疗前充分了解情况,并积极参与其护理计划.
- 个人和信息隐私,包括临床记录的机密性.
- To receive accurate, 容易理解的信息,以帮助他们做出明智的决定,他们的健康计划.
- 制定预先指示,并了解任何可能限制实施合法有效的预先指示的医院政策.
- 了解他/她的照顾者的身份和专业地位,并有权选择足以确保获得高质量保健服务的提供者.
- 如医院拟进行或进行影响其护理或治疗的人体实验,应获告知,并有权拒绝参与该等研究项目.
- To receive prompt and appropriate assessment and management of pain.
- To receive care in a safe setting.
- 不受医学上不必要的或用作胁迫手段的任何形式的隔离或限制, discipline, convenience or retaliation by staff.
- To be free of any form of abuse or harassment.
- 在医学上适当的情况下,接待来访者并与医院外的人沟通.
- To pastoral care and spiritual services.
- To have access to protective services.
- 在被充分告知治疗的益处和风险后同意或拒绝治疗, and alternatives to treatment.
- 了解拟更换负责照顾他/她的专业人员的原因.
- 查阅其医疗记录中的信息,并在必要时对这些信息进行解释或口译.
- 期望医院提供一种机制,让他/她的医生或代表告知他/她出院后的持续医疗保健需求.
- 了解医院的规章制度适用于他/她作为病人的行为,并了解医院的启动机制, review, and resolution of patient complaints. 这个过程将是公平和有效的,可能包括严格的内部审查和独立的外部审查.
- To know the reasons for his/her transfer either within or outside of the hospital.
- 注册bg真人娱乐厅医院收费的信息,可用的付款方式,以及不保险的通知. 不论付款来源为何,要求及审查其帐单的解释.
- To be informed of the source of the facility’s reimbursement for his/her services, and of any limitations which may be placed upon his/her care.
- 了解该机构与其他参与为他/她提供护理和治疗的人士或机构的关系.
- Receive interpretation for individuals who speak languages other than English.
- 患者家属对捐赠器官和组织有知情同意的权利.
Complaints: We want to hear from you regarding any concerns, questions, and/or suggestions you have about your care. 如果您对治疗的任何部分不满意,请随时告诉我们. It is our goal to resolve any concerns you may have as soon as possible. Your concerns can be shared with hospital staff, 您也可以在住院期间或出院后致电517-437-5193与患者倡导者联系. 医院的电话接线员(517-437-4451)也可以帮助您联系患者倡导者. You may also submit your concern in writing to the Patient Advocate at 168 S. Howell St., Hillsdale, MI 49242. Alternatively, 你可以随时联系密歇根州(商务部职业和专业监管局投诉和指控处), P. O. Box 30018, Lansing, MI 48909 (800-882-6006).